by Scott Cole   Sep 2, 2017

Pain is as pain does
Casual discomfort for everyone,
It's anguish and torment
That brings discontent.

For some pain is simple
A little scrap or mishap,
But for others
It cuts deeper than that.

The pain from a loss
Of a precious loved one,
Is the pain above all pains
And it never goes numb.

It consumes your Soul
Right down to your bones,
And no medicine alive
Can make it unknown.

For the hurt of pain
From the hands of death,
Will leave you gasping
For another breath.

For it never will part
Only softens with time,
Maybe giving some relief
To your heart and mind.

For that ache you get
From a lost love,
Can only be dulled
From help up above.

So place all in his hands
The Mighty Physician in the sky,
And visit him in prayer
To make your hurt go byebye.

For he knows what's best
His purpose in all,
And he'll give you strength
To help you stand tall.

For nothing is forever
Everything has revision,
So trust in the Lord
And believe in his vision.

Though you do carry grieve
Down deep in your Soul,
Know everything has a reason
For God's in control.

Oh Lord saviour of all
We know all is your will,
Though we don't understand it
We believe in you still.

For we all will bear pain
As did Jesus Christ for us,
It's what saved this World
So yes in God we do trust.


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  • 7 years ago

    by Lucifer

    Reminded me of the movie 'the shack'.

    It's all about trusting in God.
    That God has a place for everyone and when to put us where it's his plan.
    We can't predict it. Only he knows.

    You started with a sad tune but ended on an optimistic note.

    • 7 years ago

      by Scott Cole

      Thank u Lucifer, I wrote this for a lady who lost her husband and two sisters last year she's been dealing with a lot of pain. So I wrote this to ease her burden. Thanks for ur comment greatly appreciated.....