The Soundtrack Of My Life

by Kitty Cat Lady   Sep 5, 2017

How I envied you all
With your senses intact
How I often wished so hard
That I could get mine back

But not since that accident
Have I really been whole
How I regretted that day
The one that fate stole

The ringing in my ears
Fanfare a sense's death
The awful realisation
That I'd spend my life deaf

Never to hear running water
Or the call of the birds
This silence now shrouds me
Quiet is my world

The grief for the music
That exists only in my mind
The voices of loved ones
Shouting, thinking they're kind

But do you know what?
I lost less than I gained
For now I watch carefully
And I notice your pain

For bodies they speak
So much louder than words
It's the things that you do
That's what longs to be heard

Every nuance of your expression
And how you gesticulate
Says so much more than voices can
When you communicate

So don't be feeling sorry
Don't worry that I have strife
That familiar ring accompanies me still
It's the soundtrack of my life.


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Latest Comments

  • 5 years ago

    by Brenda Zeigler

    I teared reading your poem from beginning to end You have a way of expressing your words that touch my heart Thank you for sharing your poem

  • 6 years ago

    by Nee

    Love this, Kitty! I love the title and how it relates to the poem.
    Beautiful piece!

    • 6 years ago

      by Kitty Cat Lady

      Thanks so much Nee ... I'm quite proud of this one ... so glad you enjoyed it :-) x

  • 7 years ago

    by Khai Montegrande

    very creative with much passion in this poem, I LOVE IT!

    • 7 years ago

      by Kitty Cat Lady

      Aw thanks Karen, I really appreciate that :-) x

  • 7 years ago

    by Em

    The Soundtrack Of My Life by Kitty Cat Lady points 7
    Usually I'm not one for long pieces because I seem to go off track when reading them but this one was just right in length especially at it kept an unforced rhyming throughout and the message that this gave out was a strong one, one that we could all take heed of because it's inspirational and though this lady has had obstacles to overcome she's done it with sheer strength. I take my hat off to you for an inspirational yet raw fluent write and wish you all the best.

    • 7 years ago

      by Kitty Cat Lady

      Aw, thank you lovely Em! Your vote on this meant a lot! Thanks so much for the lovely comments as well as your time for your judging term xx

  • 7 years ago

    by CJ Maleney

    Judging comment

    "The Sound Track Of My Life" By Kitty Cat Lady 4 points

    I choose this as one of my favorite 3 this week because it shows the endurance, the spirit and the will of humanity to overcome.

    What some will see as a barrier others see as a challenge to be overcome. The author quite clearly has done this and has shared the story of such. The explanation behind the poem is something of a bonus.

    The rhyming in this poem is excellent but I think the addition of a word here or there would have helped it flow a little easier, although it still works rather well.

    Thank you for giving us an insight to your world and I hope the boffins create even better devices for you.

    A very inspiring write (4)

    • 7 years ago

      by Kitty Cat Lady

      Ah Craig! It's great to know the name behind the judge's comment at last! Thanks so much ... it really meant a lot to me to win with this poem and I'm really grateful for your part in it :-) xx
      Kitty =^.^=

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