My heart

by Mahalia Butler   Oct 17, 2017

Once upon a time
I had a beautiful heart
It was big, loving and kind
So I gave to him a part

I thought he would appreciate
I thought he would cherish
I thought he would treasure
But only felt it perish

I found my heart again
Broken, bleeding, and crushed
Now not ever again
A he will I trust.

Then along came you
You helped heal my heart
You fixed it up with care
So it no longer hurt

You held it together
Close to your heart
Promising as long as you have it
It will never fall apart.



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  • 7 years ago

    by Mahalia Butler

    Thank you all so much. I only post poems here cause a friend made me, but I had no idea people would actually enjoy them.

  • 7 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    The right person will cherish your heart. Beautiful write. All the best

  • 7 years ago

    by Kitty Cat Lady

    Aw beautiful! Glad it's nominated x

  • 7 years ago

    by Brenda

    Such a lovely write. With the right person your heart will flourish and they guard it with their lives. Well done-

  • 7 years ago

    by Michael


    I love this rhyming piece of first of all sadness, but then a happy ending, as you yearned for.
    A wonderful gentle poem, which get my nomination :)
    Much love

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