Looking forward

by Dagmar Wilson   Oct 18, 2017

When using red on my canvas
why would you asume I'm angry?.

Red was never my color
on my canvas however it demonstrates
a brighter future,
it's a high I have not experienced in a while.

What a long journey of learning tough lessons
to breaking down,
hiding in a hole and watch the day go by.

There is a strength you don't even know exists,
you will use it when reached the end.
Red is the color where my life begins.


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  • 7 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    Thank you all so kindly for your lovely comments.

  • 7 years ago

    by Michael

    Miss Dagamr

    A colourful piece from you exploring what red mean to you, and bringing it back to where it begins with red. Interesting poem to read and a nice flow
    Much love
    Michael x

  • 7 years ago

    by Milly Hayward

    Loved this. "When using red on my canvas. Why would you assume I'm angry?" Strong opening lines. I always connect red with being a happy colour like a cheerful red flame or Santa Claus. For me too it signifies a bright future.
    I agree that sometimes you just have to touch rock bottom to rise back up again and loved the notion of red being the colour of the beginning of your life because actually when we are born we are covered in red and so it makes absolute sense that when we are reborn that red be the significant colour.
    Milly x

  • 7 years ago

    by Kitty Cat Lady

    I love this Dagmar. It's so true that sometimes you have to get all the way down to rock bottom before you realise that you are stronger than you thought! The last line is perfect for this poem :-) x

  • 7 years ago

    by BlueJay

    The first two lines instantly had me hooked, and I love intros with that kind of power. Note that in the final stanza there is a typo in the word strength (from getting your ideas out so quickly I'm sure). And something about the last stanza does not quite make sense, I had to read it by itself before I could figure out where you were going. "Red is the color where my life begins" - incredible!

    I think there are a few poets here who will find many neat ideas in this piece, especially haireth because of his painting images that so often appear.

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