Caught.. Red-handed

by Michael   Oct 30, 2017

Curiosity niggled my
immature thoughts,
that afternoon.

I flicked my impish eyes
towards the lady in

Every time I did,
her glare fixated
on me.

Her poise was motionless;
a stance of sophistication,
with a body, of feline of distinction.
Her complexion; glimmered;
a soft pale tone, as she stood in
the spotlight.

Her golden hair; bobbed beneath
a rouge beret; with a slightly
suggestive chiffon white blouse
tucked neatly into deep red pencil skirt;
tightly drawn flawlessly,
around her thighs; hugging
her shapely legs.

A subtle fragrance; wafted
teasing my senses, a soothing
aroma of coolness, equalling
her suave composure.

(A little spicy too).

was it her scent?
I wondered.

my intrigue nudged me
closer to her attention
which I did with callow

People were everywhere
which aided my mischievous

And as I reached her..


could not resist.

I touched her bottom.

A comment from the store
assistant remarked at my

An embarrassing moment-
caught red-handed at only 11
years old!

But, in truth-

actually nice to feel a
dummy for once!


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  • 7 years ago

    by gumshuda

    Judging comment:

    Oh, what a beautiful write, with a amusing twist to the story in the end. From when the lady in question was introduced, her charm was exquisite. You described her flawlessly. And when it was revealed to us (the readers) that this alluring lady was a mannequin -
    her sophistication, her poise were of an immovable object - it was remarkably amusing. Very well penned.

  • 7 years ago

    by Risqué

    too cute!

  • 7 years ago

    by mossgirl19

    Mr. M this made me giggle too...haha.
    Nicely told. :-)

    • 7 years ago

      by Michael

      Thank you Miss Mel :)

  • 7 years ago

    by deeplydesturbed

    OHHHH Michael - many giggles here!!!!
    You also had me going for a moment!!

    haha Well done..

    • 7 years ago

      by Michael

      Thanks nams,
      well going for a moment is good enough haha x :)

    • 7 years ago

      by deeplydesturbed

      going for a moment - haha my mind is well int he gutter this morning!!!

  • 7 years ago

    by Brenda

    Oh Michael what a fun write! Had me going for a moment. Well done-

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