there was a day I had silken skin
that morning was sullied
by grazing her body
this is why we shower skin repetively
because the dirt under our fingernails
never seems to come clean
I got lost in your scent
swimming through your naked perfume bottles
crafted by the nights we slept
I hope you swim in our memories
pouring from my body
it reminds us that tomorrows
can be crafted by today
the shower might be hot enough
to evaporate my thoughts
and leave the steam
to rummage across the room
why must I finger the mirror
to remind myself of love
love will forever flow these veins
and if she was still here
why doesn't my drain smell of sex
I wanted closeness
too bad you're unapproachable
this is why
I never got far with you
you're my muse
sleeping without words pouring
from your eyes
is long gone
why does writers block hurt
like a written carnival ride
that falls without stopping
building a new home
the very foundation of who we are
is like crashing