The Beauty of Menstruation

by Alice   Nov 19, 2017

I scrub and scrub
but still the blood pours down.
A constant stream of fresh and fertile juice
oozing from the humid cavern of my womb.
I step myself from the sanctuary of the shower,
robe myself in white,
so pure.
I let nature cast its spell,
run its course
in crimson streams
trickling down my thighs
catching on that forest of wire-dark hair
like raindrops clinging to dry winter branches.
The blood paints my skin,
a red marble cutting.
Against the canvas of my lightning-scarred flesh
I think it may be art.


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  • 7 years ago

    by gumshuda

    Judging comment:

    Wonderful! Every word, every sentence, penned with an artistic flow. Well articulated. A deserving 100/10. With this poem, which could be a real experience in a woman's life (and be looked down upon), the poet has made it into a beautiful art. In glorifying something which (although does need to be glorified) still isn't accepted as nature's beauty at work in many parts of the world, this poem has glorified womanhood. I love it.

  • 7 years ago

    by Ren

    Oh, wow! This is AWESOME. I have no other words. Well done!!

  • 7 years ago

    by naaz

    Alice, I don't know where to start, as our fellow poets already mentioned that there would be no beginning without the menstruation.

    As KCL said, "Something as natural as it is, still we consider it taboo to discuss in the society."

    Alice, full points to you for the creativity.
    The way you have woven the words involving nature around a natural phenomenon is phenomenal.

    The thought of writing about such a thing, and the language you used to describe something, so pure, is itself an art.

    The emotions, feelings you portrayed on the canvas of poetry with the brush of your words really cast the spell on me.

    All the best!

  • 7 years ago

    by Em

    Bravo... Oh to be a man for a day hahaha

  • 7 years ago


    Words to the art of growing up. Well written.

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