What I Am

by RustySoul   Dec 2, 2017

I share my words with those who speak
I offer silence to those who do not,
I cherish people who remember me
I do not care about those who forgot.

To the ones who truly seek me
I give them my all without a thought,
But I love only those who matter to me
Those who do not deserve, I do not.

I keep promises when I make,
I'm a keeper of secrets if you confide,
I harbour not vain pride in heart
That's where all my fears have died.

I'm not as wise as one might think
I'm sometimes sly and sometimes naive,
Strong passions and fervent emotions
Keep my heart and mind alive.

I always carry a smile around
And yet there's so much pain i hide,
Do not think i am weak though
I can't be taken for a ride.

You may write me off as good o' bad
You may love me or truly hate
But I'll always be what I am
For whate'r reasons, I cannot change.


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  • 7 years ago

    by Kitty Cat Lady

    Oh this is just wonderful! All the things that you are, except you left out 'wonderful poet'! :-) x

    • 7 years ago

      by RustySoul

      Touched by your comment. Many thanks :)

  • 7 years ago

    by BlueJay

    I enjoy the confidence in this poem and I hope it continues to flourish throughout the rest of your days as a poet and a member of this wonderful earth.

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