Mimi's little angels (acrostic)

by Brenda   Dec 24, 2017

Mimi, hey, that's me!
I'm known to my grandbabies as Mimi.
My world has become this wonderful place since
I've become Mimi. They are my
sun, moon, and stars of my universe.
Little man, otherwise known as Nathan was the first.
I was dubious if I was up to the task of a boy. Boys were such foreign creatures to me.
Those blue eyes reeled me in and I've been hooked ever since...
The next to arrive was Lilly. Oh she's such a sweet girl! She's got my dad's eyes.
Love seeing those memories come alive.
Entering my world next was Abigail. She's incarnate of my daughter, cute and she knows it!
As for my last piece of my heart it's Natalie!
Now here's a child that describes sunshine. Her whole face lights up a
gloomy day.
Each one of these precious gifts from God I've been given to
love and learn from. They make me laugh, allow me to be
silly again and I'm truly blessed to forever be known as Mimi...


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  • 7 years ago

    by Stephanie

    May God bless your grandchildren
    Beautiful poem

    • 7 years ago

      by Brenda

      Stephanie, thank you so much! They truly are a blessing from God.

  • 7 years ago

    by mossgirl19

    Aww, Queen Brenda, what joy it must be to be sorrounded by your angels. I can feel you are very blessed to have them and they are also very blessed to have you as their mimi. Lovely write!

    • 7 years ago

      by Brenda

      Thank you Lady Mel! They really are a joy to me!

  • 7 years ago

    by naaz

    Children are the most beautiful gift one could ever get from God. I loved how you mentioned them as the most precious gift from God because not everyone is lucky enough to have this gift. It's by the blessings of the God that we get the chance to feel their charm, cuteness, madness, silliness around us and to feel that child inside us we used to know once.

    So much come with their tiny feet, but the most wonderful feeling is love. They bring families together by bringing peace and prosperity to our lives.
    Whether they cry, laugh or smile in one way or another they always make us feel alive because as long as we are with them we forget all our depression, anxieties and all the other worries of this world in that moment. It's like we find a new world as long as we are with them- a world full of possibilities and hope. We feel strong enough to come out of any negativity. A place where sometimes we feel like time doesn't exist and sometimes we feel like it goes within a fraction of seconds.

    I don't know when will I ever get the chance to meet them, but I have seen Nathan, lily, Abigail and Natalie through your eyes. They have such beautiful names.
    I loved every detail you wrote about four cutie pies of yours, but at the same time I wish I could read more about them.

    You said that you are blessed to have them in your life but I think they are blessed too to have you as their MIMI. It sounds as mummy of the mummy. The power and love of two mothers packed in one. I am sure when they grow up they not only have a good heart but will be as wise as you.

    After reading this poem, I know how my grandparents feel about me. That to them me and my sister are like a universe hidden inside their eyes which I would never be able to see unless I read this poem of yours. I feel blessed to have them by my side.
    Brenda, Thank you for writing this. You write less, but always come with creative ideas.

    By the way, Why boys are foreign creatures to you?

    • 7 years ago

      by Brenda

      Naazz, thank you as ever for your thoughtful comments. I will address your last question first. I only had 2 girls. I grew up buying little girl clothes and Barbies and ribbons and bows. When little man was born obviously changing their diapers is a totally new experience, you have to be far more careful, lol. He's rough and tumble, full of curious energy, plus its hard to find super cute boy clothes, lol! I know that is silly, but sometimes the selection you get to choose from is blah to say the least. My husband, having 2 boys has given me at lot of council on how boys minds work. They really are a whole other creature on how their mind works and why they do some of the stuff they do.
      Girls are easy, being one myself I know what makes them tick. Plus its so much fun being the Mimi vs being Mom. The pressure is off, you just get to enjoy them, love them, spoil them at times. I get down on the floor with them and play games and build stuff and crash it down. When I see their faces light up my entire world lights up too. It's fun to see things through a child's eyes, at their level everything looks so different and they tell you these amazing stories. I truly am blessed to be in their lives. My oldest daughter stopped talking to me for almost 3 years. When Nathan was born we were just re-starting a relationship. I was always so worried she would leave my world again and I would never see this amazing little boy again. To be there when he was born was a great honor. The fact I'm entrusted to have the kids overnight means a great deal. They don't stay at anyone else's house. So I take my role as Mimi very seriously and with great pride. They truly are my sun and moon, each one of these little darlings mean everything to me. I never thought I could love a child more than my own but they are.

  • 7 years ago

    by Em

    This is beautiful

    • 7 years ago

      by Brenda

      Thank you Em. These little darlings are such a gift.

  • 7 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    God bless you all and I know that you are very proud and you are an excellent mimi. Hugs

    • 7 years ago

      by Brenda

      Aww thank you so much Dagmar. They are all such a joy to me.

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