Never give up

by Walter   Dec 28, 2017

Sometimes I feel like saying
I have nothing more to say
I feel like giving up trying
Making you want to stay
Why should I pretend you love me
When you want to run away
You only have me on standby
While you go and hunt your prey

I'll admit it hurt a lot at first
But got easier as time went by
I had so many questions to start with
Wanting to know the reason why
You never gave me an answer
All I got from you was goodbye
I knew you weren't coming back either
But it didn't stop me wanting to try

I finally started to go out again
Instead of staying home where I would hide
It feels awkward not having you with me
When you used to be right by my side
And it hurts when I see other couples
Hand in hand while showing their pride
Almost to the point where I gave up and then
Wishing it would be better for me if I died

At that moment I saw her all alone
A stranger looking as miserable as me
She also seemed to have nowhere to go
Even though young, beautiful and free
Suddenly our paths met in front of us
Where she was the only thing I could see
As a smile developed upon my face
I saw her instantly smiling back with glee

And already it's been years since then
That night where all this had begun
I can't believe the odds of us meeting
The chances are a billion to one
All because of our heartache that evening
While we were both out on the run
We met and become inseparable
And every second I am with her is fun

So please let this be a lesson to all
Who are currently going through the first verse
Whatever you do don't give up on life
Because you feel like you are living a curse
We will all feel this way at some stage
When it feels like life can't get much worse
Then suddenly fate will show its face
And hands over to you the universe


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Latest Comments

  • 7 years ago

    by Em (marmite)

    The rhyming in this is perfectly done and the whole thing was just beautifully sad

  • 7 years ago

    by Lost One

    I enjoyed reading this. If I could offer some advice it would be to watch the syllable count. You have such an ear for rhyme, but the closer the number of syllables in each line the less stress it will put on the rhymes. The first stanza is spot on, but as you go on the lines get a tad wordy.

    Please keep honing your craft, and telling your stories

    • 7 years ago

      by Walter

      Thanks for your comments Tony and I appreciate you pointing that out. I must admit I wrote this as quickly as I thought about it and it might need more refining.

  • 7 years ago

    by Em

    This is fantastic

    • 7 years ago

      by Walter

      You're too kind...Thanks Em

  • 7 years ago

    by Milly Hayward

    A lovely tale of love and belief in the possibilities and magic of life. Inspirational and captivating. Milly x

    • 7 years ago

      by Walter

      Thanks kindly for you comments Milly :)x

  • 7 years ago

    by mossgirl19

    Ahh, Walter this is an inspiring story! I am touched by it. Good flow, I love it.

    • 7 years ago

      by Walter

      Thank you Mel! I'm glad you found it inspiring and I love hearing when things like this story still happen.

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