• 7 years ago

    by Milly Hayward

    I do enjoy reading your poetry. You have a talent for weaving though a vein of humour where I never expect to see it. This is a delightful look at the frailty of man and the idea of the Devil waiting in the wings to grab the evil doers just when they think they are winning is superb. I also like the way you interweave biblical and historical facts throughout. Humour makes the darkest situation seem bearable. Keep up the good work. All my best wishes Milly x

    • 7 years ago

      by CRAFTY KEN

      Thanks Milly, I did start out writing a "Dark" poem, but I remember you telling me about my humor so I put it in the mix, and adding a happy ending. As a romantic like you I try to always have a happy ending to my poems, if you ever read my poem "The Road" you will see what I mean, I try to be Crafty as I lead the reader in a different vane and then spring a surprise ending. As one famous Actor asked in a Movie; Are you entertained? Glad you like it and thanks for your very professional exam.

  • 7 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    My dear Ken your sense of humor. The devil sure is busy and if we are not careful we easy become his victim. Money will change some people but it is not everything. The devil sure will take it away. Add to my favorite. All the best to you

    • 7 years ago

      by CRAFTY KEN

      Thanks Dag, as a kid, I, like many other kids and even adults thought of the Devil as one in a red suit and carring a pitch fork, and we laughed at him. The stark reality is that the entity was one of God's High Archangels named Lucifer, he was called the Star of the morning because of his awesome beauty which led to his downfall. The Prophet Isaiah asked the question about him saying; How did you fall? And he also gives the answer; it was pride that caused him to commit the first ever sin in all Eternity by saying; I will exalt MY THRONE ABOVE the Almighty! God being a righteous Judge gave him an appointed time to War against the Lord's Kingdom, when he tempted Adam and Eve to sin, God gave him control over the Earth and all in it. The unrighteous Mankind possess a dark heart that from it comes all that's wrong on the Earth, that is; The Pride of Man, his lusts, his envy, his seeking of Power like Satan. How could anyone doubt these things as we see them daily and growing worse! The Good News is found in the last Chapter of the Book of the Revelation, GOD WINS!
      Glad that you liked it and that God gave you eyes to see, some say; I SEE, but are blind.

  • 7 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    Well that is a nice way to depict Death has a good guy but
    then at the end of the day/night he claims all...literally all!
    You sure do have a way to write about serious issues in a light
    heart-ed way yet warning people to make the best with the time
    they have left. Excellent!

    • 7 years ago

      by CRAFTY KEN

      Thanks Meena! We all live on borrowed time and we own nothing, all we have is granted from above and given back to Him or others. The Treasures of the Rich and Famous were buried with them in their magnificent Pyramid Tombs and their Treasures lay exposed having not gone to the Supernatural Habitat that only God knows where that is, Heaven or Hell? Always love your comments, I know that they come from a deep thinker and a Talented Poet!