Frozen Factals

by Lyical Madness   Jan 7, 2018

Life's frozen landscape
As the sun bursts onto the scene
Hitting all the darkness
Making all shimmer & gleam

Seeds push through the surface
Reaching towards the sun
Mighty oaks from tiny seeds
The earths frequency all a hummm

Frost & snow crunch under foot
Patterns of fractals all around
Nothing but natures beauty
To bathe in & surround

Nature knows no bounds
And will be here forever more
As we are dead & buried
Deep down under the floor


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  • 7 years ago

    by CJ Maleney

    Emma this is fantastic.

    It's a well deserved mention and in my eyes should have been a winner. Tastes differ but this is totally my kinda thing.

    Straight into favorites.

    Craig x

  • 7 years ago

    by Lyical Madness

    Thank you all so much. been dealing with health issues so not managed my usual p&q fix!! Missed you all greatly, hoping to get back to posting more frequently soon. xx

  • 7 years ago

    by Em

    Wow good to see you back

  • 7 years ago

    by Michael


    a wonderful piece, which flows well about nature and seasons.
    And so true no boundaries with nature
    Michael :)

  • 7 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    I am a big fan of nature and you said it in a beautiful way. Thank you for sharing.

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