The Character Of The Color:

by Scott Cole   Jan 13, 2018

A good painter knows his colors
Knows them inside and out,
And knows each shade is vital
To the outcome of his layout.

For all colors are created equal
A little tender loving care,
From the heart of the creator
Giving each one it's own flare.

Though each color is watered down
With different pigments of dye,
Not a single one is too diluted
To entice the almighty eye.

For colors are to the eye
As knowledge is to the mind,
So before you judge a complexion
Know what makes it refined.

Cause all colors have a reason
All colors have their purpose,
And it's all in how they're blended
That reflects their glossy dermis.

For all the colors in the World
That makes up the color wheel,
Each one is rich in character
Despite the way that they appeal.

Because their appearances do vary
The way they transpire indeed,
But color should be valued by substance
Not the concentration that it bleeds.


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  • 7 years ago

    by Jyoti Rawat

    Very well done.
    You describe the thought process of painter being painting.
    Here you tell me what colors sound and yes colors has meaning.
    We choose colors according to thought and feeling.
    Its true poem.

  • 7 years ago

    by ddavidd

    Haha according to Aristotle Colours are secondary substance. I think that notion is reflected somehow here . Of course the philosophical insight is overwhelmed by emotional content in this wonderful piece