Earth & Moon

by silvershoes   Jan 25, 2018

Do you think the moon longs for the earth; longs
to kiss his rolling hills?
To stroke his landscapes; play among his curling waves -
Do you think she reaches out to touch the apex of his mountains?
Does she pull the air in all around her just to catch the scent of him?
Has she slivered away waiting for the earth’s return, waxing and waning at his fleeting whim?
Has she collapsed in upon herself from the pangs of unrequited love so many times that
her pockmarks tell a tragedy?


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  • 6 years ago

    by Ben

    Breathtaking.....added to favs :)

    B x

  • 6 years ago

    by gumshuda

    Judging comment:

    An extraordinary love story between two celestial beings. The beauty of love, its yearning and longing, and the pain of its non-reciprocity sum up to form one of the most beautiful love stories I have read here. There's beauty in romance, but there's much more in one-sided love (more than what the eye can see) and this love has been portrayed flawlessly in your poem. Beautiful.

    • 6 years ago

      by silvershoes

      What a generous, kind comment. Thank you!

    • 1 year ago

      by Paul Stotts

      very unique view, one sided love is so strong. I'm living my karma right now, About 3 years ago a women 11 years older than me fell deeply in love with me. I didn't love her back though, I tried but couldn't "make" it happen. I left her after about a year, with my parents encouraging me to stay in the relationship, very strange I thought. I've recently found my twin flame, I truly whole heartedly believe this, I was so mean and took nothing serious part because she was half way across the country. I made a huge mistake, because this women is the love of my life. I haven't felt anything this strong ever. I wonder if she feels the same way about me, as I felt for the women I didn't love. This women that I love helped me get off meth, a drug I used heavily for more than 20 years. She gently guided me and explained that it was very unattractive, and it made me mean. Ive been clean almost 4 months now, with no desire to go back to that mess. I love this women so much, I know it comes off as immature, I don't know what to do, It's been years since I visited this poem site, I plan to put out new work in the very near future

  • 7 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    As you are aware, Jane, I was...ahem...away when this piece deservedly took its position on the front page, but just know that I have read it and appreciated it; it is a wonderful piece of work, truly.

    All the best as ever,


    • 6 years ago

      by silvershoes

      I am very happy that you enjoyed this poem! Thank you :)

  • 7 years ago

    by Jenna Bella Oldridge

    There was somethibg striking about this poem as a whole but for me it was the first few lines that stood out. There really is something haunting about this piece. A thoroughly enjoyable read yet painful too. It's emotional and very raw.

  • 7 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    Congrats on the Win!!!!

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