my brother

by nikki   Jul 11, 2004

You cried each night
yelled and screamed
said your life
wasn't as it seemed

you wanted to die
and promised you would
you took a knife
and father said you should

i screamed at him
to leave you be
i didn't want you to go
i needed you with me

you took my hand
and said it was okay
you told me to go to bed
and there i should stay

i did not have to listen hard
to hear your frightened screams
and i know the bruises healed
but i still see them in my dreams

he hit you extra hard
while mummy and me cried
we cowered in the corner
so afraid i could have died

you were always so depressed
and you were so stupid then
i just hope those days are gone
cos i can't face that again

i never did forgive you
for the pain you put us through
i now have depression
just like you do too

you ruined my happy life
and set dads temper loose
you made mum so afraid
and Tim lost respect for you

i love you so much
but i hate you so much more
you were the best brother
until you walked out that door

our family was left distraught
and our world is now a mess
hopefully one day i can trust you
and hate you a little less

*dedicated to Chris*


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  • 19 years ago

    by liz

    You have some talent.. this poem is very awesome.. just like your other ones.. Keep it up..

  • 20 years ago


    ang ure a twat!! its not her fault for bein depressed. its ppl like u tht get her down n make her feel worthless. n tht put on top of her own problems does it. i kno!! depressed ppl stil smile, just a lot of the time is fake

    neways I think this poem is really deep and beautiful well done! xx

    remember feelings count!

  • 20 years ago

    by jess

    ang who ever u are thats your oppinion and its one i think u couldve kept to yourself everything thing in life that happens effects different ppl differently and i think u should learn to have some respect for other ppl and there feelings u need to GROW UP

  • 20 years ago

    by Not Bulletproof

    Omg Nikki! Your so amazing, I'm so jealous, You have awesome talente, and I'm so sorry if this is true :( *hugs* awesome work kep it up and don't give in <3 I care if it helps any <3

  • 20 years ago

    by jess

    hey babe i luv ya heaps and ya know im always here.......dw ok???? it was a great poem keep it up ....
    luv always ya bestie jessy xoxo