Prayers of Blind Eyes

by Matt Carroll   Feb 7, 2018

I wish I could see inside your mind
To know why you left me behind
Without a word, without a trace
Broken, alone inside this place

I wish I could see inside your soul
To know how I failed to make you whole
How to fix this, us, and what to do
To bring me back where I belong with you

I wish I could see inside your heart
To know what split us all apart
I'd do whatever it would take
If you'd only mend my heartbreak

I wish I wasn't so blinded by tears
To know you'd ease my pain and fears
I love you so, and if only you knew
The pain this is putting me through


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  • 7 years ago

    by CountlessMoments

    I too sometimes feel that way and I hate it. Sometimes I feel like there is still hope but only if I could see inside his soul. He's too private with his feelings, it makes it impossible to fix. BEAUTIFUL 5/5

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