My Angel

by East Poetry   Feb 15, 2018

I close my eyes, the time has come
my life on earth is through.
I see the light, pass through the veil,
know exactly what to do.

Knowledge, peace and calmness
rush freely through my mind.
I see my Savior ... Gratitude
No words could ever define.

He speaks to me
“My precious child”, His voice was soft and clear.
“Much was done to bring you home
And there's something you should hear.”

“Yes... it was I that cleansed your soul,
and true, it’s key to why your home.
But credit's not completely mine,
For I didn’t work alone”

“A special Angel, Of whom I’m proud,
also saved your life.
Found you, held you, carried you
Pulled you from endless strife.”

“Her brightness is beyond compare
A Noble through and through.”
He gestured back and moved aside.

And I was staring right at you.


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Latest Comments

  • 5 years ago

    by Abstract Poet

    Beautiful poem.

  • 6 years ago

    by Merope

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful poem.

  • 6 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    Everyone deserves loves salvation. Good for you and thanks for sharing.

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