Mirror on the wall

by Dagmar Wilson   Feb 17, 2018

Doors have closed on me
some came as a surprise,
I went back and kept knocking.

When I learned the door would not open
my inner voice encouraged me to walk the other way.

I have experienced humiliation
the kneeling, the begging
my self esteem was gone.

That special mirror on the wall
showed me a reflection that I had not seen before,
I am beautiful.


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  • 7 years ago

    by Milly Hayward

    A powerful piece that speaks volumes of your wisdom. You are beautiful in deed inside and out. Best wishes Milly x

    • 7 years ago

      by Dagmar Wilson

      Thank you Milly for your kind words. Hugs to you

  • 7 years ago

    by Jamie

    Sometimes the best thing you can do is walk away from a bad situation. It seems from what you have written here Dagmar, you have been in a lot of different situations bad or good. Sometimes its ok for a door to close,

    because it leads to better opportunities. A lot of times when people are in a comfortable situation they don't want to leave it, which is what i think the first stanza talks about. When you go knocking on the doors again, you don't want to leave your comfort zone.

    Our inner voice always knows what is best for us. And it seems like yours did too as you say in the second stanza. Inside you know it was best to walk away and look forward.

    And then you explain some of the pain you have been through. You leave the reader to imagine how bad it could have been.

    I love the ending because you show the reader what you see, yourself and being beautiful no matter what you have been through.

    I like the story feel to this poem, each stanza works well to complete the last and the happy ending was a twist the reader didn't see coming. Well done.

  • 7 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    When you finally come to that realisation, Dagmar, you are a lucky person indeed; sounds like you are there.

    Take care,


    • 7 years ago

      by Dagmar Wilson

      Thank you Ben. I actually help my granddaughter to build her self esteem by her looking at the mirror and telling herself she is beautiful. Now she won't stay away from it. All the best Ben

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