
by Kitty Cat Lady   Feb 20, 2018

A wise person once said
(And it made sense to me)
That teenagers become stroppy
So it's easier to set them free

When they stomp and grunt about
Rolling eyes and slamming doors
It's easy to imagine a time
When your home will just be yours

I've waited for your mood to change
Steeled myself for the fight
Accepting there will come a day
When your 'lovely' shines less bright

That natural shift to adulthood
When parents matter less
It's all about the friends you have
And how you like to dress

But no such rancour blights your days
Your perpetual cheerfulness reigns
Your belly laughs and silly dance
And love for pranks remain

You light up my dark corners
Fill my hollowness with fun
So tell me how do I let go
Of the friend my child has become?

I want for you to fly so far
Away from the known to the new
To see and do the things you dream
The things that will fulfill you

Your absence it will break my heart
But the gaps will be filled with pride
So fly my love, soar high and far
Let my love be your guide.


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  • 7 years ago

    by CJ Maleney

    Dear Mad Cat Lady

    This is so special it's almost beyond words.

    Almost but not completely.

    I totally get where you are coming from with this. My best friend is my son he's 18 very soon and we get on amazingly. Sometimes we have a blip as we are both very head strong but we always know there's a man hug waiting.

    He was adopted just before his 5th birthday, and is safe to say he didn't have a good start in life. Terrible in fact! Sometimes things have been tricky to say the least, and by god have we argued at times

    Despite this he remains my best friend and my boy.

    It's lovely that you and yours don't have any turmoil and it's clear you love each other so much. When he soars don't be sad because those wings can change direction in a heart beat. So within a heart beat he'll be winging it back to you

    What a beautiful thing to read



    Ps gotta add adopted by and not taken away from. Just to clear up any confusion

    • 7 years ago

      by Kitty Cat Lady

      Such lovely comments Craig thank you x I've got well over a year yet before he'll fly away but I already know I'll be in bits! I love that you and your boy have man hugs, I think that's so important :-) x

  • 7 years ago

    by Em (marmite)

    This brought a tear to my eye beautifully done

  • 7 years ago

    by Ya----Na

    Kitty, What a heartfelt end u gave to dis poem
    Loved it & my best wishes are wid your son.

  • 7 years ago

    by Milly Hayward

    Another great rhyming piece with great imagery. The woes of parenthood and coming to terms that teens are but babes ready to leave the nest. Best wishes Milly x

  • 7 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    This really has touched my heart. Your baby is growing up. One of my granddaughters is going on 13 and boy she is something else not in a bad way. Her mom now cries to me and she is my youngest. I remind her that she once was a teenager herself. I sit back and watch with a smile on my face. Thank you for sharing. All the very best.

    • 7 years ago

      by Kitty Cat Lady

      Aw, lovely comments, thanks so much Dagmar :-) x

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