Comments : Irony and forgiveness (for Robyn)

  • 7 years ago

    by Em (marmite)

    Oh Brenda this is beautifully sad

  • 7 years ago

    by Milly Hayward

    Brenda this is a breath taking piece that will touch the heart of anyone who knows Maple and Bird. It genuinely brought tears to my eyes reading it this morning. Well done Naaz for nominating this. All my best wishes Milly x

  • 7 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    This is beautiful, Brenda - truly.

    Take care

  • 7 years ago

    by Brenda

    Em, Milly and Ben, thank you. Sincerely, thank you...

  • 7 years ago

    by Michael

    Miss Brenda,
    Such a beautiful tribute,, you know how to get my heart lady.
    A truly wonderful tribute
    Much love
    Michael :)xx

    • 7 years ago

      by Brenda

      Thank you Michael, I really appreciate you. Hugs -

  • 7 years ago

    by naaz

    Brenda, another poem dedicated to our dear friend's daughter. It really took me some time to think what should I write as a comment. Even after reading it again and again I don't know what to say.

    In this poem, once again, you have portrayed the emotions of Robyn.

    Somewhere the consequences of her actions (right or wrong, I don't know) because I am no one to judge.
    I have just turned 18 and I have got some rights to do few things which obviously I couldn't have done before. It's like a whole new world has opened for me and I am enjoying those things. Soon, I will learn from my mistakes what is wrong and right among the things I am doing.

    Somewhere the progress in her life she is making by realizing all those things went wrong in her life. And how she is on a path to bring good in the life of others. These minor changes she made in her life now making the big differences in the life of others, Especially, her mother.
    Her mother feels confident when she sees how determined is her daughter towards the life now. Her daughter got the motive to live, to fight back once again.

    Brenda, all those stanzas where you mentioned about the irony were hard to read and full of pain.
    But with the last stanza you removed the weight of irony from our hearts and filled them with hope once again. Love you for that.

    All of us want a beautiful future for her somewhere in those warm coastal breezes.

    • 7 years ago

      by Brenda

      As always Naaz you really go in depth, which is awesome. Now that you are that magical 18 and allowed many more freedoms you will find some of the choices you make not so good. It is all part of growing up. We learn and we grow (hopefully) from them. We all have done stuff we regret but learning to let go of those regrets and moving on is all part of growing. Thank you as always Naaz.

  • 7 years ago

    by Nema

    Brenda, this is a heartbreaking poem. I don't know what to say on this comment but I'll do my best.
    I don't know the story behind what happened to Maple and Robyn but without even knowing, your poem made it so vivid and I was able to see the suffering and pain she went through.

    "My mom
    stunned into silence,
    shattered by the knowledge,
    her baby bird
    struggles to fly.
    Knowing those warm coastal breezes
    aren't reaching
    my winter home..."
    ^ This is such a lovely stanza. The words "winter home" made me feel some warmth, lost somewhere there in the poem and what's hidden beneath it. I loved it.

    I love the way you ended it as well. I read the poem twice and I enjoyed it in both times, even more the second time. Well written, Brenda. And to write about someone else's experience is so humane of you. You are beautiful :)

    Keep writing!

    • 7 years ago

      by Brenda

      Nema, thank you so much for your lovely comments. A little backstory; Andrea is Maple Tree, Robyn is her daughter. Robyn is terminally ill at the moment and before this she had been through a lot of problems. My only way of attempting to understand what it's like to be in that position is to write. I'm a mother myself with girls close to Robyns age. For what they are going through right now is unfathomable . It's my only way of even remotely beginning to come to terms with this.

  • 7 years ago

    by Sai

    A wonderful tribute. It never fails to amaze me the ways poetry can touch the human soul.

    • 7 years ago

      by Brenda

      Sai, thank you so much! It is amazing isn't it?

  • 7 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    Forgive me my friend for not commenting until now, but to be honest it's as if Robyn hersef wrote took me back a bit. This is beautiful and you have captured her soul in this poem.

    Bird is now losing the ability to think clearly so our conversations are minimal...we do a ton of Gigggggles about silly stuff and I'm afraid our time for heart to hearts is for me to read this now just brought me to tears.... I can't thank this Community enough and you for your love and support...hugs you

    • 7 years ago

      by Brenda

      Andrea, never feel as if you have to apologize. I take great comfort in knowing you find some kind of solace and peace in any of my words. I always worry that I may cause you pain in this process and I would never ever want to do this. This journey you and Robyn have been on has been full of so many twists,and turns. My hopes for you two is just to find peace and for Robyn to know she's been forgiven for anything she feels bad about. So giggle with her and just enjoy the time you have left with her. Hugs my friend.

  • 7 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    Hello Benda,

    your capacity for empathy and love is evident; not only in this wonderful tribute to Robyn and Andrea, but in the support you offer us all.

    Thank you for being you. ((hugs))

    • 7 years ago

      by Brenda

      Thank you so much Michael for your kind thoughts. Hugs to you!

  • 6 years ago

    by C Cattaway

    How beautiful, & touching. I love this as much now as the first time I read it.
    Catherine x

    • 6 years ago

      by Brenda

      Catherine, thank you so much! It really means a lot to me that this has touched you.

  • 6 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    There are no words that can be said or used to describe
    let alone feel what a mother is going through when she sees
    her child dying...the struggles and the pain is beyond words.

    Yet you have captured it from both sides of the coin...beautifully sad
    with a painful reality...

    • 6 years ago

      by Brenda

      Thank you so much Meena. I have in a very small way tried to understand the pain that mother and child are going through. I don't think any of us, unless we have dealt with this first hand truly knows. As a mother myself this would devastate me. The mere fact Andrea has been able to even function shows what a strong amazing woman she is.