The final curtain

by Michael   Feb 27, 2018

He was blessed with
a wicked sense of humour-
always delivering a
punchline that tickled our ribs.

you could never tell
if he was serious
when telling a tale,
he would have us
doubled up;
and in stitches

oh the irony.

Dark humour was his forte
that evening it was black
as his tongue rested
in his cheek for good

and as the curtain fell-
the old Boy kept us in suspense.

But sadly the only ever
one-liner he delivered

was flat-

although he did have
the last laugh.

*Dedicated to one of the funniest men I knew, my uncle*


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  • 6 years ago

    by Ya----Na

    And winning our hearts with your poems is your forte, Michael. We are blessed that we are reading your poems.

    • 6 years ago

      by Michael

      Lovely and complimentary words, thank you :)

  • 7 years ago

    by Brenda

    Awww Michael, I am so sorry for your loss. What a wonderful tribute to your Uncle. Hugs-

    • 6 years ago

      by Michael

      Thank you Brenda :)x

  • 7 years ago

    by Em (marmite)

    Oh Michael I'm so very sorry for your loss but it seems your uncle had a lovely life and was a life saver for you in bad moments what a wonderful dedication

    Take care x

    • 7 years ago

      by Michael

      Thank you Em, he was a top-notch chap indeed. Just one of those reflective times we have from ones recently passed :)x

  • 7 years ago

    by Kitty Cat Lady

    Aw Michael. I had an uncle just like this. I'm so sorry for your loss xx What wonderful memories you have of him, and this is a beautiful tribute :-) x

    • 7 years ago

      by Michael

      Thank you Kitty, just remembering and reflecting on a great man, not so long ago :)

  • 7 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Michael, he sounds like a wonderful fellow and we could all do with more people like that gracing our lives.

    Take care and all the best as ever,


    • 7 years ago

      by Michael

      he was indeed :) thank you Ben

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