My Definition Of Happiness

by Bleu   Feb 28, 2018

Sun shine hits the window pane,
Despite the night before, I have everything to gain.
I woke up, after a night in tears.
I am alive; that use to be something I feared.

Now here I am, a new and improved me.
Happier than I ever remember being.

Rain falls, making a sweet melody on an old tin roof.
It can bring anyone happiness, Just listen to the proof.
Sweet dew covered the blades of grass.
Must be nice to never think of the past.

Now there I go, moving on without the worries of the world.
I have grown into a woman, no longer a girl.

The darkness no longer fears me,
I no longer feel alone.
The massiveness of the sea
Brings me comfort in the unknown.


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  • 7 years ago

    by Lost One

    A very warm welcome to the site, and wow. The last stanza was amazing. Very Lovecraftian. I'm a huge fan of rhyming poetry and this does not disappoint.

    • 7 years ago

      by Bleu

      Thank you so much, Tony!! I am just getting back onto the site. I was a member a few years ago and had well over 300 poems but was unable to log into it, so I had to start over. Lol. <3 I am so glad that you enjoyed it!!

    • 7 years ago

      by Lost One

      Don't feel too bad, my old account got deleted. I was on in 08, no idea what happened

    • 7 years ago

      by Bleu

      Is your old page still up?? I know after being inactive for 3 months, it says it will delete your page, but mine is still up and I can see all of the poems even after 3 years

  • 7 years ago

    by Em (marmite)

    This is stunning

    • 7 years ago

      by Bleu

      Thank you!

  • 7 years ago

    by Kitty Cat Lady

    This feels like a real journey of self-discovery Hales, and I totally get the 'massiveness of the sea' thing ... it helps put things into perspective. Great imagery an enjoyable read indeed! :-) x

    • 7 years ago

      by Bleu

      Thank you so much! <3 I am glad that you enjoyed it!

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