
by Kai   Mar 1, 2018

You're fire.
I'm ice.

I'm fire...
You're ice...

Find a middle ground?

Why would you want to find a middle ground with me....

We can never both be fire at the same time or both be ice at the same time...

Sounds like misery..

I do love you.... A lot. And always will...

But it hurts to get burned and I've ran out of blankets...

I understand I return all of the misery but I feel like misery is all I am.


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  • 7 years ago

    by Ren

    Excellent write! Looking forward to reading more of your poems :)

  • 7 years ago

    by Kitty Cat Lady

    Welcome to P&Q Kai :-)
    I like this piece ... it speaks volumes in few lines.

    "But it hurts to get burned and I've ran out of blankets"
    I especially like this line. Good stuff! :-)


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