I exalt myself in high exteem, and glory in wisdom for I AM KING.
None can challenge me, those who tried never lived to tell their stories. The cunny who lives in my kingdom know they dare not shew their folly before me.
Dont mistake my calmness for weakness, each step I take foward is aim to kill not to scare.
I undastand the simplicity in responsibility and never deny the fact that I have more to give as a leader. Again I say to you, each duty with its own time.
Think and ponder before you cross the line
I Am King !!!
I take each steps slowly towards the prey just to get the perfect strike....my long observation and smile is to see them in extinction.
The jungle trembles at my roar
The land rises up to greet me
The trees quiver and blow in fears
I am a lion great stop taking me for a fool
I can lavish you with love beyond measures
If you take me as one who deserve to be love,respect and value