9 hours of oblivion

by CJ Maleney   Mar 12, 2018

9.  Pull the beast up check it over, spit your card out and complete paperwork.  Check the map for the next day.

You're down to

8. Take a walk for and hour just to a shop or something.  Remind your legs they were not created to simply push a pedal. 

You're down to

7. Rustle up a meal or buy one in, cram it in a little box and wait for it to go ding.  Clean up and pack away. 

You are down to

6. Try to watch a little T.V and gain some resemblance of a normal life.  Try to dissolve all that has tweaked your temper and tested your resolve.  Then fail! 

You are down to

5. Crawl into your pit and stare at the darkened space above your head and eventually fail.

You are down to





Zero hour. 

Rise, cleanse, 

Coffee.  Card in.

Check and awake the beast.




Not words you utter but a will you push.

We continue

See you again in 13 to 15 hours where the dance begins again.


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Latest Comments

  • 6 years ago

    by Brenda

    Craig, boy can I relate to the grind. Totally feel ya on this. Well done-

  • 7 years ago

    by Kitty Cat Lady

    Crikey Craig! That's no life :-( it sounds utterly gruelling and with no downtime to counteract it. I hope it's a temporary situation for you :-) x

    • 7 years ago

      by CJ Maleney

      When I'm mortgage free I'm gonna stack shelves in tesco lol