Comments : Faith

  • 7 years ago

    by Kitty Cat Lady


    • 7 years ago

      by Kitty Cat Lady

      Well Craig ... this is an interesting one :-)

      Faith means a lot of things these days, so the title is slightly intriguing.

      1) The word 'heavens' in the first line confirms that this is about religion and the belief that there's a heaven, and therefore a hell etc. ... the description of your stance suggests you're yielding to god in a classic, questioning pose

      2) You're hoping here for a god that will show you the way to clear and cleanse your confused (foggy) mind - and the hope of a sign suggests that you're not sure about the existence of god

      3) an about turn here as you admit you believe that there is indeed a god but 'he' won't prove 'his' existence with a sign, as you resign yourself to the fact that religion is not black and white

      4) a question for the reader now... how do you view the bible? Do you interpret it literally as it is written, or do you take heed only to the bits that make sense to you and fit in with your situation?

      5) you believe in miracles but doubt some of what's written in the bible

      6) I think this final stanza is where your true message really lies ... you have a belief in a god of some sort, but you do not feel the need to define it or follow the bible to the letter and you're OK with that - comfortable to not have to justify that. But more to the point is that you have 'faith' in yourself , how you live your life and your own morality.

      A good 'thinky' poem Craig that I think will resonate with a lot of people. :-) x

  • 7 years ago

    by Mark

    Stanza three reached me Craig! Great write

    • 7 years ago

      by CJ Maleney

      Cheers Mark, glad you enjoyed.

  • 7 years ago

    by Em (marmite)

    Fabulous rhyming as always

  • 7 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Craig, I'm not getting into my own beliefs too much on here (I'm after a quiet life these days!) but all I will say is that this is excellently written and rhymed with a truly wonderful closing couplet.

    All the best as ever,


    • 7 years ago

      by CJ Maleney

      Cheers dude

      I'm not happy with the 5th stanza and the double use word doubt. I tried it with others but it detracted from the point



  • 7 years ago

    by Liz

    This perfectly describes how I feel about these things

    • 7 years ago

      by CJ Maleney

      Your mind, your heart, your doubt, your belief



      Take what comfort, inspiration and support from it that you feel is for you.

      Screw what everyone else thinks

      Faith is a personal thing
