Comments : Don't Promise

  • 7 years ago

    by Dreamofolwin

    love your poem. So glad I stopped by to read. So well written and expressed, Very well done! :)
    Deserves a vote! :D

    • 7 years ago

      by Kitty Cat Lady

      Aw Olwin! It's nice to meet you and thanks so much for your lovely comments and for your nomination. I really appreciate it :-) x

  • 7 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Kitty, this is excellent. Promises made are promises too often broken...

    Take care

  • 7 years ago

    by Michael

    Miss Kitty,
    A nice piece written from inspiration. So many things said, but honouring them, another story!
    Much love
    Michael :)x

    • 7 years ago

      by Kitty Cat Lady

      Indeed Michael :-) Thanks so much :-) x

  • 7 years ago

    by Brenda

    A lovely write Miss Kitty . Sometimes it's over promise and under deliver. Resulting in bitter feelings and sadness. Well done-

    • 7 years ago

      by Kitty Cat Lady

      Yes. Must be a hard situation to be caught up in! Thanks so much Brenda :-) x

  • 7 years ago

    by Walter

    Beautiful words Kitty and yes, sometimes the 'here and now' is the only place that these situations can exist in :) x

  • 7 years ago

    by Phoenix ¥

    I love this poem Kitty and can relate to every word... it’s a painful situation that I’m very familiar with, thanks for articulating it so well in this poem x

    • 7 years ago

      by Kitty Cat Lady

      Sorry to hear you can relate Phoenix. Thanks for your lovely comments :-) x

  • 7 years ago

    by Em (marmite)

    Hey kitty I like this piece, your rhyming as ever is pretty amazing and unforced, it just flows like water from a water fountain (unless of course the fall dries up lol)
    Stanza 1 - This tells me that you have little trust in relationships because you've had bad experiences, possibly? So don't want a particular person to promise you the world when you're world as previously been shattered or at least that is how it feels in this Stanza. You just want someone who understands you and always cares for you too. Don't we all? :)
    Stanza 2 - The image portrayed in this is sweet yet a longing for that ‘forever’ and though you want to believe it you can't due to the past heartaches therefore your heart doing that little dance no doubt followed but butterflies.
    Stanza 3 - Absolutely love the first line here it's like “BOOM” in your face because life is cruel and we never get what we want/need when it is wanted/needed. The last 2 lines seem like a long distance or secretive relationship them ‘stuck there as I am here’
    Stanza 4 - This screams to me we're in a secretive relationship so it will never be long term I thought this form the ‘stealing moments gem your trapped lifes’ and ‘dreaming the impossible’
    Fabulous Kitty
    Take care
    Em x

    • 7 years ago

      by Kitty Cat Lady

      Thanks lovely Em for your amazing comments. I got all a bit sentimental listening to the radio :-) I'm so glad you enjoyed it xx