Comments : Angelic (Acrostic)

  • 7 years ago

    by Jamie

    nominated Andrea. This is a beautifully sad poem full of hope.

  • 7 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    Hello Andrea,

    you have made a heart felt poem out of the word, 'Angelic'

    Remembering those loved ones that have sadly departed as Angels, looking over us will always be a comfort.

    Thank you for this post and these thoughts.


  • 7 years ago

    by Em (marmite)

    Andrea I absolutely loved this from the word beauty you come up with angelic (I wouldn't have thought of that) and do exactly what I asked for you write a fantastic acrostic which in itself is difficult then you rhyme it so fluently so firstly well done on that, I always find rhyming an acrostic is hard.
    1) my first thought here was that those of us who have been hurt "scatter' move away from the place and people who hurt us but no matter what we do we still ache though for what.. I think even the 'aching souls' will be unable to comment truthfully if they answered at all.
    2) This brought an image to my mind that the 'alleys clatter' due to the 'aching souls' searching for food or even the next fix possibly?
    3) The gutters cry powerful image of them crying for what they have to witness or it's mirroring the people they see crying?
    4) Here I believe you are trying to say that those who love the 'aching souls' are slowly dying inside wonder what if things were different and life was simple?? Thus their hearts dying.
    5) This makes me think of the red district and drug dens purely because these can smother us, make us see through rose tinted glasses and make us believe things are good because we're not in control.
    6) it can be anyone.. Addiction takes no prisoners.
    7) I absolutely love this part as it shows there is hope for those 'aching souls' that wonder the streets and find themselves in trouble.

    This is saddening yet hopefully Andrea and I know it is extremely personal to you.
    All the best
    Em x

  • 7 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    City of angels, indeed.

    Such a gut-wrenching write and I feel the ache, grief and yearning for better days in this piece.

    Love you always <3

  • 7 years ago

    by Brenda

    Andrea, I just love this acrostic. It gives another twist to the word angelic. It really is a beautiful piece.

  • 7 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Now this is how to write an acrostic! Well done, Maple - thoroughly enjoyed.


  • 7 years ago

    by Ya----Na

    Andrea, I just want to say that very few of us are gifted with poetry. You are one of them, my dear friend.

  • 6 years ago

    by Em (marmite)

    Judging Comment - Angelic (acrostic) by maple tree points 4 - This form like many others is not usually recognised but I think they should be especially when done so well because in my opinion acrostics are hard to write well let alone rhymed and maple did a fantastic job with both and told a somewhat tragic story in the process, hats off to you