Unlovable Me

by Scrittore   Mar 23, 2018

He doesn't know what he does
He cannot see the depths of me
But across his simple gestures
It speaks

And all the darkness in my soul
All the crevices never reached
He does not back away
When my heart begins to weep

Such loving eyes which softly
Searches and then sees
The very best, the very worst
He knows all of me

How can this be true?
Surely it mustn't be
That someone could love one proven
So unlovable as me

Yet his strong arms does carry
And my doubts never creep
He has given what I thought impossible
Love to an unlovable me

Love past proven
That simply could not be
He has given what I thought impossible
Love to an unlovable me

And as much as I can know
As much as I can foresee
It will stand the test of time
For in fact we are in love truly


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  • 7 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    How do we know Love?

    It seems you have found the answer - I am happy for you both!

    Well written.

    Best wishes.

  • 7 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    I think that's one of the greatest quests, being able to love ourselves and accept that we can do that without it being selfish. Loving all the parts of ourselves and having someone else love our darkness too. You are, as we all are, worthy of being loved. No matter what.

    Happy for you :)

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