Comments : How Stupid (Collaboration with CJ Maleney)

  • 7 years ago

    by CJ Maleney

    So I was home Saturday lunch time and had to go away again on Sunday afternoon

    To keep us busy I set a challenge, I would choose a title for Dani and she would write a poem based around it. So I set the title "how stupid is my dad" as you can see she eviscerated me lol

    She said it's only fair that my title should be "how stupid is my daughter"

    We decided to post it as a collaboration as it just seems right

    Hope the results raise a giggle

  • 7 years ago

    by Kitty Cat Lady

    Hey chatterbox :-)
    Even though you've both taken the mickey out of each other this is really touching and speaks of a very close father-daughter bond.
    Both poems are wonderful written and rhymed and made me go 'aw!'.
    Very well done :-) x

    • 7 years ago

      by Cherrie Maleney

      I'm so glad to hear that! We were supposed to publish them next Tuesday, but we had already made the poems by then so we decided to publish then yesterday =^.^=

  • 7 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Right, firstly let me just say I understand this poem entirely...from a dad's point of view! My daughter is 10 and I am beginning to feel inadequate in many of the ways listed here! I try and educate her in rock, I am force fed Katy Perry! Fashion? Don't get her started in Dad's taste in that!
    I suppose, ultimately, it's about give and take and understanding each other. But none of those things really matter when you love each other as much as you two clearly do.
    Poetically speaking, your rhyme and rhythm is excellent for anyone of any age - let alone 11.

    Take care and all the best,


    ps glad this has been nominated - it's an excellent collaboration.

  • 6 years ago

    by Kitty Cat Lady

    judging comment:
    This double treat of family banter made me smile inside and out. It’s like a snapshot of a moment in time, that’s so familiar to so many of us. Each easily rhymed poem is expressed by both father and daughter in a warm, faux-disparaging tone, that just can’t conceal the obvious love and affection shared. Sweet and amusing in equal measures. :-) x