Comments : Untitled

  • 6 years ago

    by mistake

    Very moving and clearly from the heart. It’s so true that only those things that matter can bring us down the most, and that is why we must fight our hardest to hold them up. Love yourself because either you or society will crumble first, and if it’s you then society is already lost x

    • 6 years ago

      by The Fallen Angel

      Thank you for the nice words dear! I have quit fighting now. I don’t have it in me anymore! I accept my defeat!

  • 6 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Sometimes, it's the people who should care the most - and the ones we expect to support us - who do the most damage.

    Take care

    • 6 years ago

      by The Fallen Angel

      Thank you Ben! Yes! And the damage has already done!

  • 6 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    As already mentioned; the love, the priority needs to come from you. Once you keep your needs in mind, you can then decide if you put others before them. It sounds like you've been taken for granted. It must be time for you to put yourself first!

    Take care.

    • 6 years ago

      by The Fallen Angel

      Thank you Mr. Darcy! If I put myself first at this point if my life, there are others who will get hurt and I really care about them and I don’t want them to suffer for my choices. The poison has already been spread, now the only way is to wait till it consumes me.