ME!! (acrostic)

by CHRISSY CARTER   Aug 8, 2018

C is for creativity-the game
H is for heart-the true brain
R is for reach for the stars
I is for ideas-friends
S is for sweet-bugs r crazy
T is for talented-the gift
I is for important-unique
N is for nice-to everyone
A is for ability-job

L is for learning-the other job
O is for opinions-advice
U is for understanding-her way (or the highway :)
I is for innocent-only when asleep (maybe)
S is for simple-feedback
E is for encouragement-for others

C is for chain of jokes and humor
A is for attitude-the starting line
R is for reading-enrich imagination
T is for teaching-dream
E is for eager-to everything
R is for realizing I'm not alone!!

made 9/18/08


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