That Feeling I've Had Before

by schmetterling   Sep 5, 2018

I don't want to admit it
because I've been trying
to be strong,
but I am.
What it is
I am afraid to say it
because it could throw
a wrench into things,
and I can't afford
to go through that
right now.
I am scared
that I feel this way
because I don't want to
at all.
I have every reason
to be happy,
but all I want
is to not exist.
How do I say this
without causing an uproar?
The existential dread
it's becoming too much for me.
I need
something to change
I'm not sure what
is going to happen.


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  • 6 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    I do hope things change for you and that dread and any other burdens are lifted from you. I've found it hard to explain before what you just wrote, the desire to not exist... sometimes people think they help by saying "be grateful" and "smile at what you have" but depression and any other hardship don't need a reason. We could have all the reasons in the world to live a fulfilling life, but mental illness does not see logic nor does it care.

    Sometimes, all we can do is keep trying, even if others don't see or understand how hard that is.

    Sending lots of support. Take care.

  • 6 years ago

    by Wayne Gates

    Very well written.
    Ongoing bouts of depression are a common affliction among artists.
    I for one can only write poetically when deeply troubled.
    When we share, we can lessen our pain and help others to relate.

  • 6 years ago

    by Joseph Kerr

    Easiest word to say, the toughest thing to admit you need, even harder to ask for.
    We are all here, this connected on so many levels and yes, very well written and portrayed.

  • 6 years ago

    by Blank

    Such a depressing yet well written poem.
    With a dark meaning.
    Beautifuly done.
    But if you or anyone is feeling suicidal you don't have to fight alone. I'm sure many of us can relate and I sure can.
    Reaching out is one of the hardest things to do.
    But once you do you realise how good it is to actually recieve help.
    Take care.

  • 6 years ago

    by Brenda

    It is so very scary knowing you feel like this and know you are on that ledge. The fact you are aware of this is a good thing. Keep reaching out, the darkness will pass.

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