What time is it?
What day?
What place is this?
The dragon has robbed me
as I chase it,
time and again,
out of mind,
out of touch,
lost in longing.
Who am I?
It or me or neither?
Sometime slave
to a desire
never slaked for long,
in servitude
to the dragon.
Sleep. . .
Wake. . .
Sleep. . .
It’s gone.
Why did it leave me?
I must find it.
are you here, too?
Will you also leave?
Have you already gone?
I cannot see you,
cannot touch you,
beyond the shadow of the dragon.
Why do you say that?
A feeling long away,
given as sacrifice
to my dragon.
Leave now.
I cannot hear you,
cannot know you,
beside the weight of the dragon.