Comments : Holes in the Wall

  • 6 years ago

    by Em (marmite)

    Stephen good to see you back and writing so honestly as always... This is a powerful and well written piece which I guess we can all related to in someway because when we are angry we all do things we come to regret in the future or atleast those of us who have a conscience anyways wish I had a nomination left because I'd have been sure to have nominated this. The penultimate stanza was my favourite especially as I've been in that self quarantine myself before now.
    Take care
    Em x

  • 6 years ago

    by ddavidd

    venting out and venting out beautifully. I think now you do not need to punch any more,

  • 6 years ago

    by CJ Maleney

    Judges comments

    Holes in the Wall (by IdTakeABulletForYou ) 10 points

    This work really catches the true nature of anger and rage. I absolutely understand the desire if not need to lash out even if it's at something inanimate. The release is brief and the damage can be extensive and will often leave one regretting their action.

    A fantastically well rhymed piece that is most worthy of my vote.

    Well done.

  • 6 years ago

    by Captain Lonesome

    Great job putting into words that state of being that is far too common among many, myself included, yet unique in its own right to each individual!! Continue to fight the rage and stand fast man!! Well written indeed !!!