Facing to a person like you
Makes my heart fall for you
And smile is the only thing I can show
Co’z I can’t even speak a word HELLO to you
I can’t even explain the feeling i felt inside
That it seems a butterfly fly side to side
And when you start talking at me
My heart beats fastly
And my feet shake like an electricity
You know I have a feeling too
A feeling to love someone like you
But it’s not yet the right thing to do
Co’z study needs to continue
But what’s with you that makes me remember you
Is the love I feel for you is true
Or I am just pretending that I like you
Well! I think it’s true
Co’z every time I saw you
I’ll always say that no one in this world
Can take the place of you
After all I want to let you know that
In the bottom of my heart there lies a secret
which I have never told even a single soul in these world.