My Dream Home

by Jyoti Rawat   Nov 23, 2018

I am running behind a fur I want it, I reach so close it flies.
I am running, I am running.......
Still not hold in hand

I am thinking why is this happening with me but no answer.

In life, I gained , I lost but this fur ,
I am running and want to hold it but as i go close to it
it shifts to some other place I don't know when and how
I will catch it but I am sure one day it would be mine.

Fur - My dream home


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  • 6 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Dreams can be like mirages at times: you chase them and just as you are about to arrive, they shift again! But you have to be in the game to win it. Keep chasing, that's my humble advice.

    All the very best

    • 6 years ago

      by Jyoti Rawat

      Good news ben, achieved my dream.
      I purchased my dream home.
      Finally after lots of struggle.

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