Comments : For The Girl

  • 6 years ago

    by Michael

    A darkly tale of not seeking redemption, very well written indeed

    M :)

  • 6 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    I just read For the boy and now this poem,
    in my thoughts I am feeling like I wish they were linked together to form one long powerful poem!

    You truly have made my brain twist with this poem, powerfully written. I admire your elegant word usage and mind boggling expression! I truly love this piece, I'm nominating both poems because I'm truly at the edge of my seat!

  • 6 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Holy guacamole. This has to be my favorite of all in the series so far (which is really neat you're working on by the way).

    I can't exactly find the words, but there's a sort of punch in the gut reading this. An almost cruel way to say there won't be redemption here and there's no room to try and stay searching for it either.

    It's raw and haunting and reveals this sort of "ugly" side to love. Loving someone and using so much energy only to be left behind, or made to feel like an aftermath of a hasty, foolish decision.

    UGH. There's just something about this piece that bites, that tells of a downfall, of desperation to belong or be forgiven or who knows what else.