Comments : Logs

  • 6 years ago

    by Hellon

    There is something about you
    that I begin to slip
    on my pathway through life
    whenever you are around.


    There's something not quite right about the second line in this stanza??? Please take another look at it :)

    The rest of it?...what can I say that I haven't said in the sometimes do not write for a while and...I wonder why each time...

    • 6 years ago

      by Ya----Na

      Hi Hellon Thanks for being honest about giving comments as always. Did some change on your advice.
      I will try to write more and much better poems.

  • 6 years ago

    by Michael

    A tale of missing someone, which is never easy for sure.
    Nicely done
    M :)

  • 6 years ago

    by Star

    Simply, heartfelt!!

  • 6 years ago

    by Brenda

    Shane, so much longing for this person. It really is beautiful this person's pain worth your love?

    • 6 years ago

      by Ya----Na

      Is this person's pain worth your love?
      Brenda don't know how to answer it well so Going to use a quote from the movie wicker Park.
      "Love makes you do crazy things, insane things, things in a million years you never thought you'd see yourself do. There you are doing it... can't help it."

  • 6 years ago

    by Abed

    There is this subtle music in the first half which I'm very fond of. But the second half feels like missing something, but then again I am reading while eating so never mind. Oh, and I love the title and its representation.

  • 6 years ago

    by naaz

    I Completely agree with hellon about what she said.

    Where you disappear after writing few poems?

    And no you did not try to write more.

    I think I already requested you to write more poems. Infact, the moment I requested you, you kind of disappeared for more than a month.

    I thought I sort of hurt you by saying so.

    About your poems, hellon said it everything. I don't think, I have anything left to say.

    • 6 years ago

      by Ya----Na

      Hey naz thanks to you and Hellon so giving much love. I don't know what to say because I do want to write as much as I can but the time has come once again. Parties have been going on since last month and now it is going to make me even more busy. 4-5 big events already happened so far and there are so many invitations coming every day but so many thanks to my secretary Maria for organizing everything so well, and above it all my time. It is so good to see that you guys admire my poems so much. I am so grateful to each and every one.
      Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all the beautiful members of pnq.

  • 6 years ago

    by Jamie

    Congrats on the win

  • 6 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    Congrats on the win

  • 6 years ago

    by Ya----Na

    Thanks Jamie, Miss Dagmar and to all of you for giving so much love.

  • 6 years ago

    by Milly Hayward

    Congratulations on the win. Its a lovely poem as usual you bring so much to the page. Another beautiful piece. Milly x

  • 6 years ago

    by IdTakeABulletForYou

    Judge's Comment:

    Among the beauty of the poem, “Heavy Logs”, is the perfect timing for the North American winter. It perfectly coincides with the cold! That aside, the poem itself is truly magnificent, blending the abstract feelings of unrequited love with the concrete sensations of winter and cold. The last verse is a true gem that nicely ties the entire piece together in all its wintry beauty.
