Advice from a Bathroom Mirror

by Renegade Angel   Jan 6, 2019

The cooling of my veins, my eyes shifting to emotion realized.

"This isn't me", as I clear the steam away. The redness that infects my corneas and the pale hull that gazes back at me, shakes her head with tears staining her porcelain skin.

The red curls that used to bounce and radiate life only vibrate the pale scarlet comparison that leaves the human a shell.
Is she a human? Her mind has crumbled at her feet.

"My life wasn't supposed to be like this"

Trying to readjust the mirror to a more positive view, she can't look at the disaster that her reflection makes her see.
The gauntness without consuming more than her pride. Her disheveled body shakes as the hysterics of tears pool at the sink's rim.

"I don't want to give up"

Yet her reflection tells the truth. She already has.

A bathroom mirror doesn't lie. The lack of food speaks levels

The sleep deprivation slowly devouring her sanity.
Slowly receding onto a path to decay.

Her soul screams "I don't want to give up!"

The hull of a human shell seeks shelter in her mind, but the essence of her broken shell lays on the tiles on the bathroom floor.

"Time to get up", she finally says.

She shatters the mirror and lets her soul seeks forgiveness.

She stands tall, wipes her eyes and leaves the tears in the sink.


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  • 6 years ago

    by Milly Hayward

    It is easy to look into a mirror and see all that we percieve to be bad about ourselves. This piece shows a vivid image of self destruction and is a perfect foil to depict the contrast of what once was versus what she now sees. Thankfully the term the mirror never lies is not at all true because often what we think we see in the mirror is tainted by how we feel about ourselves and can be vastly different from what others see when they look.
    A thought provoking piece. Milly x