Comments : START NOW

  • 6 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Yes! This is such a beautiful message in its simplicity, and a much needed reminder that it is okay to start from where we are. Even if we don't feel ready or confident yet, it is a journey and process to work through the fear and trembling spirit.

    I love how the brevity works so well here in that even in these few lines, it can reach many people. Whether "starting with what we have" is bettering ourselves, starting anew or getting a second chance. To me, this piece means self-acceptance and being okay with who we are. That's a bold move. Choosing ourselves and moving forward no longer apologizing for who we are.

    Also, welcome to PnQ and hope to keep reading more from you!

  • 6 years ago

    by Milly Hayward

    Start is the word that turns the wheels of life and destiny whether good or bad. Better to start than do nothing. A thought provoking piece. Milly x