Natural Disaster

by Nobody   Jan 13, 2019

It comes slowly
like a hurricane
As the eye of storm
Swirls closer and closer
To shore, a sweet promise
Of Flooded streets
And drowning cars

It’s rapid formation of a twister
Right before it touches the earth
Crashing hail and churning clouds
With the assurance of havoc
Flying houses and torn ground

It’s the abrupt tremble
Of an earthquake
Ripping foundations
Shaking homes
Breaking windows

It’s the rolling thunder
And flashing lightening
Of a distant storm
Sipping hot cocoa
Feeling Safe and warm


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  • 6 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    I love how you described the urgency, the onset of chaos, and then softened it in the end with the imagery of cocoa and feeling protected against the storm. There's a sense of the unknown, of danger, of a force to be reckoned with when concerning first love and you've created a very lively, vivid piece in its emotions and movement.

    • 6 years ago

      by Nobody

      Thank you so much I really appreciate the insight. It always a treat to hear what others feel or notice with your work.