Grumpy Trumpy

by Hellon   Jan 14, 2019

Grumpy Trumpy promised the wall
Mexico will pay, that was his call
"We won't pay a dime, it will be cheap"
promises that Trumpy really couldn't keep.

He organised a meeting with some of his 'friends'
old Chuck and Nancy they did attend
but he banged on the table, stormed out the door
when his request for finance they did ignore.

Sarah tried to save him, she did her best
but to make this disappear she'd be hard pressed
he took to twitter to express his views
blaming it, once more, on said fake news.

What do you do with a president so dim
things were quite dire things were quite grim
Putin didn't want him, Jong-un said "no way"
so it's in the US old Trumpy will stay.

Grumpy Trumpy sat on a wall
Grumpy Trumpy had a great fall
all of his side-kicks all of his men
couldn't put Trumpy together again.

@Hellon 14th January 2019


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Latest Comments

  • 6 years ago

    by CJ Maleney

    I've only just seen this

    absolutely love it.

  • 6 years ago

    by Milly Hayward

    Hellon, this is absolutely brilliant. Ive only just seen it. Its rhyming is excellent and the portrayal of the "Trumpy" issue spit on. A very clever, funny, political piece. Definitely one for my favourites and one I must share with my US friends who will definitely relate. Best wishes Milly x

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