sharing supper (haiku)

by Mr. Darcy   Jan 25, 2019

from a car window
chips are thrown to the beach

gulls swipe them away


- Mr. Darcy
© 2019


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  • 6 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    This creates a lovely image in my mind's eye, Michael...of Hitchcock's 'The Birds'!
    No, this really is nicely penned. I actually found it rather calming, for some reason. Perhaps it's the alliteration of 'sharing supper' or the image of gulls at the seaside. Anyway, well done on this.

    All the best

    • 6 years ago

      by Mr. Darcy

      Thanks, Ben. I remember covering Hitchcock at school. Those blighters will swipe more than my chips, they'll snatch my fish and mushy peas, too. Lol