Red roses and bright yellow sunflowers;
Long spiral curled hair down a beautiful white dress,
And you.
Those are the images that have been flitting through my mind ever since you asked me;
And my heart swells in my chest as I look at you and swallow back the happy lump in my throat.
You talk to my daughter,
You reassure me things will be okay when I’m stressed out and-
Make me laugh so hard my pregnancy bladder has given out on me
a couple times forcing me to have to change-
You never make me feel bad for it.
Sweet good morning messages and hilarious memes about our relationship;
You are my absolute best friend.
You comfort me when I cry and you’ve never judged me for the way my family is,
You are my rock and-
You’re the fire that keeps me warm and the strength that keeps going,
The one who stands by my side through anything and everything.
You feel my happiness and you feel my pain,
And I couldn’t ask for a better teammate.
A better best friend.
Or a better lover.
And when the day finally arrives that I get to
walk down that isle where I know you’ll be
waiting for me-
I will never get to say any two words more proudly than the ones I get to say with you
on that day.