Comments : I Write

  • 6 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Daniel, I for one am applauding your honesty. I think the truth is, poets in general are a sensitive bunch who perhaps don't feel as good about themselves as they should. This, in turn, sparks emotion that needs venting. And if - if - you have a way with words and believe you have the ability to 'paint' those vents skillfully, well then, you not only have discovered a process that is cathartic, but one that you are actually rather good at - so good, people actually applaud, perhaps. Then the healing is twofold and you can feel good about yourself at last.


  • 6 years ago

    by Milly Hayward

    I think people write for different reasons but all that is created comes from within.. be it writing, painting or any other creative activity. (Its almost like giving birth because its part of the creator) so when people like or appreciate your creation it is natural to feel proud and elevated. Sometimes its not so much a need for approval but a self drive to strive for improvement or perfection in your craft with the level of applause being the yardstick. A thought provoking and honest piece. Milly x

  • 6 years ago

    by ddavidd

    Coming across paradoxes, like this, need some genuineness and clarity of mined. One at least must have gotten a glimpse to beyond his/her vanity. Most never notice Paradoxes and those who do, never could solve or free themselves from them, but only could learn to feel at ease in their presence (as don John said). This also could be called comprehending them.
    According to the books, very few can accomplish this.

  • 6 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    Daniel, this is not only a well written/composed piece - this is heartfelt and highlights not just your need for approval, but this 'need' as a human condition. I think most creative people create to help express themselves, but more than this, approval that their work is good, if not excellent. Of course, most of us on here are never happy, always wanting more from ourselves. There comes a time when that inner boy on stage has to know he has done well. Daniel, you've done exceptionally well.

  • 6 years ago

    by Tanya Southey

    Oh wow! I often wonder about the 'indulgence" of writing. I realise though for me it is cheaper than therapy. A way to connect with all that upsets me in the world. It's hard to be sensitive in a world that isn't. Great piece. Provocative and beautifully penned.

    • 6 years ago

      by D.

      Thanks Bob, Milly, Tanya, Mr D, John, I really appreciate the comments :) this was a really difficult one to write for me, and your words were all really uplifting and unexpected. x

  • 6 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    Congratulations on your win

  • 6 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    Well done, Daniel. It's better out than in.

  • 6 years ago

    by Michael

    Congratulations fella..
    Just read this and you have written in such raw emotional ink.
    Very well penned M :)

  • 6 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    Good question and this will have many writers to think
    deeply and widely..well penned and congrats on the win!

  • 5 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    judging comment

    I believe I have mentioned this in a past comment, but in free verse, I love to see good use of metaphor/imagery/alliteration/personification etc to raise it clearly above prose. In truth, I feel this one borders the line between the two but the formatting and the throwing in of the stanza that ends " their blood reddened and diluted our seas" swung it for me in the end, simply because of the power, clarity and innocence that children so often have in their thoughts and comments, as is evident here. But more than that, the brute honesty of the piece is something we would all do well to address: why do we write? Oh, we can all kid ourselves and pretend it doesn't matter what others think, but why, then, do we post here at all? Why not squirrel our work away in a loft somewhere where it is safe from prying eyes? After all, we don't care what others think at all! Or do we? I suppose we can only hope things are written with passion and love and that the content is genuine - then we can post because we are proud of a genuine product. Anyway.. (7)

    • 5 years ago

      by D.

      Incredibly thoughtful comment Ben, thanks :)