elle vit dans la peur

by Hellon   Feb 3, 2019

Upon the crest of
the moon she lay,

awaiting her sun

would he return to her
would he be unharmed
would he survive?


as dawn approached

still she waited
still she quivered
still she shivered...

@Hellon 3rd February 2019


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  • 6 years ago

    by Star

    I truly love this!!
    It’s like a scene, where a woman is awaiting the return of her son, lover, father, brother, husband.

    It also could be much deeper than that, maybe some kind of fear, that she hate confronting..

  • 6 years ago

    by D.

    A poignant poem, full of false hope and fear. It’s simple, but effectively told. I would like to know a little more though! I’m afraid we’re as left in the dark as your persona!

    • 6 years ago

      by Hellon

      Thank you all.

  • 6 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    There's anticipation in this, worry, a sense of foreboding, mystery... and I love how you've said he is "her sun", then the looming dawn.

    I liked the formatting and repetition of "would" three times, then "still" as it highlighted how this seems to be a cycle. It actually immediately made me think of a mother's undying, unconditional love and how she always wants to protect her own, even when they go out in the world and write their own journey.

  • 6 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    I am pretty sure one can write anything in French and it will look and sound much better.
    She lives in fear. Somehow this feels like a WW2 war poem, or at least an inner battle hope Vs fear

  • 6 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    My...the depth of this write takes me into another
    part, another world and its not just the sun and the moon
    but much much more with a deeper feeling waiting...nice

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