
by Guilty By Design   Feb 4, 2019

Do you even know what it feels like
To be surrounded by people
Yet feel so empty inside?
You tell yourself you’ll get through this
Everyone says, “it’ll be alright”
It can’t rain forever
But it’s a hell of a stormy night.

Oh, darling, I hope the thought has never crossed your mind.

Have you ever been up at 3am
Just trying to convince yourself
You’re not better off dead
But the demons are still chanting
“What’s a bullet to the head?”
You know it’s selfish
But in the moment
It’s perfect.

Oh, darling, I hope the thought has never crossed your mind.

Have you ever tried to drive away
Just for a change of scenery
A fresh breath of air
The road twists and turns
Next thing you know
You’re speeding up
“It could all end here.”

Oh, darling, I hope the thought has never crossed your mind.


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  • 6 years ago

    by Kitty Cat Lady

    Crikey. This really hits home. I'm sure there's very few people who haven't had such thoughts at some time or another, however fleeting. But what really got me was your hope that your 'darling' had never had such
    thoughts. It's terrifying to think that we really cannot protect our loved ones from their own thoughts and we just have to hope they're able to resist acting upon them. Ever.
    A brilliant write indeed. :-) x

    • 6 years ago

      by Guilty By Design

      I think mental health is often neglected and people don’t admit they need help sometimes, but it’s a much more terrible feeling to fight on your own.

  • 6 years ago

    by D.

    Depression and suicidal thoughts have many faces. Thank you for sharing, and I hope that you or no other has to ever bear anything like this again in your life.

    • 6 years ago

      by Guilty By Design

      Thank you. No one ever has these thoughts running through their mind.

  • 6 years ago

    by Walter

    Although depression doesn’t start instantly and slowly creeps in before you realize you’re caught in its grip, your poem is quite the opposite and had me captivated from the start! Beautifully written in characterizing how this would feel.

    • 6 years ago

      by Guilty By Design

      Thank you. I tried to word it as best as possible... trying to explain how even when things are fine, it doesn’t matter if your mind isn’t.

  • 6 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    I agree with DarknDangerous!

    You just captured thoughts and images I think many have felt... powerfully written!

  • 6 years ago

    by DarkNDangerous

    There are a lot of poems that speak about depression on here, but this, this was extremely well written. I love the back and forth emotion, which is how depression really feels. This is definitely one of my favorites. Great work!

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