Comments : End & Endlessness

  • 6 years ago

    by Star

    I don’t know if this would make sense, but to me this feels that this poem is a sequel or somehow connected to your older poem Choices. End and enlessness are our choices in life.

    It maybe my interpretation only, or perhaps my way of thinking, but I love how this got me thinking too :)

    • 6 years ago

      by ddavidd

      I know why you think this way. Because it seems there are no distinction between a futile endless rotation, and endlessness as the means of freedom from the prison of time and space. Unfortunately, words can convey not only different meaning, but even opposite. For example the word "truth", could be use as simple "fact", or as the general truth, the essence, or "form", and others. This often confuses people and makes them draw wrong conclusions.
      You are talented, your comparison, the preciseness of it, also shows you are (infinity) curious, and your curiosity, if strong enough, one day would make THE connection.

      Thanks for your time and your words of encouragement.

  • 6 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Like so many of your works, this is littered with philosophy written poetically which is a joy to read.

    All the best, Bob

    • 6 years ago

      by ddavidd

      Thank you Dear Ben for your kind words.

  • 6 years ago

    by D.

    I really enjoy your juxtaposition of poetry and philosophy. It’s really fresh and unique to you, on this website at least. :)

    • 6 years ago

      by ddavidd

      Thank you Daniel, there are no use for them in this site nowadays, except with people like you who are not limited to monotonic modes.