
by Muhammad Amiruddeen   Feb 20, 2019

My life
Born out of refined pottery
Formed from turns
With every shake creates beautiful patterner
Like clay pots not in ruins
Its beauty is in the use.


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  • 6 years ago

    by ddavidd

    Wow It is so beautiful. I would change some detail to turn this juwel to my liking, if I was the writer.
    Very Inventive. remind me of Omar khayyam :

    This jug was love-sick like me,
    Tangled in a fair girl's locks;
    This handle you now see on the neck.
    Was his hand on the neck of the girl

    • 6 years ago

      by Muhammad Amiruddeen

      You are welcome to add colour to my amateurish work. I'll be glad if you can any suggestion to make it better.

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